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Kookabuk Book Reviews

ShadedAreas Blog by Miriam Olken: 

September 13th 2016


This book is absolutely wonderful and is for everyone! It is a great resource that goes step by step and in detail about how to solve a huge problem that is hard for all children with or without Autism; Sharing. It is not easy to give up one’s toys or belongings, but after reading Kookabuk Shares his Shovel, I would highly recommend this book to parents, older children, special education teachers, and all teachers if they need help figuring out how to make sharing easier for any child.


Kookabuk Shares his Shovel is detailed and you can see the care the authors, Kevin and Jesse Howard, have put into it to help parents and teachers that need resources. From the poem at the beginning, to the beautiful illustrations by Lorian Dean, this book is a wealth of information but told with great care and empathy to anyone that needs help; Kookabuk and Emily to the rescue!


The Story Resources, helpful tips and a website with even more information is also an incredible resource and I am honored to have been able to read one of the first copies of the first Kooky Adventures of Kookabuk. Very much looking forward to reading more adventures of Kookabuk and Emily soon!


Miriam Olken is a lover of children’s books and a big fan of the Kookabuk book series. She writes movie reviews and pop culture articles for Shaded Areas. She also helps behind the scenes on local Boston and New England film and creative projects and when not working loves to travel and watch movies. (read more...)


Outnumbered 3 to 1:

September 27th 2016


If there’s one thing that I want my kids to take away from all that I have taught them throughout their lives, it’s how to treat other people. We’re all different. Some of us are more different that others but that’s ok because our own unique qualities are what makes each of us who we are. Kookabuk Shares His Shovel is the first installment of The Kooky Adventures of My Friend Kookabuk series by brother-author duo Jesse and Kevin Howard, which is meant to inspire parents and their kids to positively approach new challenges and experiences in life. (read more...)


Mini Natural Hair Chronicles: 

October 10th 2016


Jesse and Kevin Howard, brother-author duo created an educational collection of social stories as a guide to help parents and their children with special needs, approach new experiences and challenges in a positive, enriching way. The series, The Kooky Adventures of My Friend Kookabuk series, utilizes creative storytelling and unique illustrations to teach children to act with understanding and compassion in challenging social situations. (read more...)



Parenting Healthy reviews: Kookabuk Shares His Shovel Book

October 11th 2016


When you pair a Father of an autistic boy with a brother and special education teacher, you get Authors who create a relatable story and lesson in sharing. Sharing does not come easy to all children and can be especially difficult to understand for children of special needs. Not only are social skills and making friends a challenge at times, when you are so fascinated with a toy you don’t want to give it up to another child. That is the story of this book. The great thing for Kookabuk who has an especially hard time sharing is that his friend, Emily is so patient and understanding. (read more...)


Cassandra M’s Place:

October 12th 2016


In Kookabuk Shares His Shovel, the first installment of the series, heroine Emily helps her friend Kookabuk learn how to share one of his most prized possessions—a green shovel. While most children are inherently very protective of their toys, Kookabuk’s reaction against sharing is elevated and prolonged. Fearful that Emily is confused and afraid to play with her son, Kookabuk’s mother steps in to guide their social interaction. (read more...)


Live, Laugh & Love Books:

October 14th 2016


I really enjoyed this book, as did my three year old daughter. My boyfriend has Asperger’s Syndrome and he really felt connected with Kookabuk’s personality. He said it wasn’t always easy for him to discern why it was important for him to look at people when he spoke to them or why it was important for him to share. My daughter wants to hang the sharing poem up in our house just in case she forgets! We read a lot in our home and because of that she has become quite picky about books so for her to enjoy it as much as she did (we read it 9 times in 4 days) then that is really saying something towards the quality of this book. All three of us really loved that the artwork was done over pictures of an actual park. My daughter said, “Kookabuk is in my park, Mom!” and I think that is one of the reasons we got hooked! We were able to connect the book to something she was familiar with, that and the sharing struggle. I can’t wait to read more from these authors. (read more...)

Jenn's Review Blog:

October 17th 2016


My 11 year old son is ASD and started middle school this year. He has been facing some struggles with interacting with other kids in a new and bigger environment. This book is a great short picture story to use with him. The pictures are bright and colorful, and the story is very easy to read and understand for him. The story about sharing is a great starting point for us with him when it comes to being nice and sharing. This is great not only for school but for here at home with his brother, and his friends in the neighborhood. I like the recap and the Best of Help Tips at the end also. Both of my young boys like this book! (read more...)

Jason C. Stanley Blog:

October 17th 2016


Kookabuk Shares His Shovel is a sweet little children’s book from brother authors Kevin Howard and Jesse Howard. Kookabuk the monkey helps teach children an important lesson in sharing, but there is so much more.  The book teaches children and families about Asperger’s Syndrome. Kookabuk finds it hard to share. His mother models the behavior. While the book’s target audience is for children with Asperger’s, it is beneficial to all. There are helpful tips about Asperger’s Syndrome in the back of the book. (read more...)


Strawberry Lemonade Book:

October 18th 2016


Kookabuk Shares His Shovel is a really great book that I think is going to help a lot of parents, teachers and children deal with this types of situations. The pictures and the poem are just beautiful. I really love how this book was made. I think it’s going to be a really great series of books. This is definitely a most have for every parent and teacher. The book has great tips for parents and kids to help them navigate through these situations. The book also highlights the friendship between them and the need of the parent’s involvement when children are playing. I found it really great how the book shows the importance of parents guiding their children on this types of situations. (read more...)


Mom Does Reviews:

October 30th 2016


There are few things in life that bring me more joy than my children.  Likewise, there are few things that bring me more heartache than my child struggling.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in every 68 kids are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  That’s a lot of kids struggling, and their parents are struggling right along with them.  I recently read, “Kookabuk Shares His Shovel” by Kevin Howard and Jesse Howard.  Kookabuk is a wiry little monkey that will capture the heart of your child! (read more...)


Soul Of An Amethyst:

November 14th 2016


My daughter loves this book! Happy Sunday loves! I received this amazing book by Kevin and Jesse Howard called Kookabuk Shares His Shovel. Besides the cover being sooooo adorable, this book touched mine and my daughter's hearts. My daughter was so excited, she couldn't wait for bedtime, she asked to read it whilst I prepared dinner.

This book is the first installment of a new series. Emily helps her friend Kookabuk learn to share his most favorite toy, a green shovel. Kookabuk has Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and doesn't react to Emily choosing his shovel to play with very well. As some children don't enjoy the aspect of sharing, Kookabuk's reaction is intense & very protective of his toy. His mother steps in to guide them both into a calm interaction. In doing so, it caused for two children to have a fun and amazing playtime together. (read more...)


Critical Blast:

November 15th 2016


When I picked up KOOKABUK SHARES HIS SHOVEL by Kevin Howard and Jesse Howard (illustrated by Lorian Dean), I was expecting a didactic book for children that teaches about sharing. As someone who hated “lesson” books as a child, I was a bit hesitant.


However, this book is way more than that. Half picture book, half parenting guide, KOOKABUK demonstrates how to navigate difficult situations when your child is on the autism spectrum or has a developmental disability.


In this story, Emily – a neuro-typical child (a child without developmental disabilities) – befriends Kookabuk, a child on the autism spectrum, at the park. But they struggle when Kookabuk won’t share his shovel with Emily. Kookabuk’s mother implements several strategies, and soon all three are playing happily together. (read more...)

Girl Who Reads by MK French:

December 20th 2016


Kookabuk has a prized green shovel, and he can't stand sharing it. When Emily wants to borrow it, he has a meltdown. In this social story, Kookabuk learns to share his shovel with Emily and enjoy playing with her.

The art is wonderful to look at, and the modeling done by Kookabuk's mother (as well as the explanations in the book itself) will make this a very useful book. It teaches young children how to take turns and share, without necessarily naming it as a dysfunction for autistic children. At the same time, the authors' knowledge of autism spectrum disorders shines here and helps to make this a very approachable means to interact with neuro-atypical children of any kind. (read more...)

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